Device does not have enough space for upgrade


I’ve seen lots of other threads which describe the same issue I’m having, but after spending hours reading thru them I’ve yet to find a solution. Maybe I’m just too impatient, please forgive me if there is an obvious solution.

Device: My Passport Wireless
Size: 2 TB
Current Version My Passport Wireless v1.01.09
Last Update Wednesday, August 13, 2014 12:42:11 PM

OS: Windows 8.1 (64bit)
Browser: Chrome and IEx

I’ve tried all 3 methods (“Install update”, “Manual update” via WiFi upload, “Manual update” via SSD card upload) to update the firmware. I’ve attempted each method multiple times with a variety of permutations, but always with the exact same results: Device does not have enough space for upgrade. (370002)

Here is a description of my last effort before I gave up and posted in this forum:

  1. Reformatted the hdd, using “restore device defaults”, the “long” reformat, and NTFS
  2. Rebooted the device
  3. Restored factory defaults: system and disk
  4. Rebooted the device
  5. Pressed and held both buttons on the device (WiFi factory restore procedure)
  6. Rebooted the device
  7. Connected my PC to the device via WiFi (configured nothing…skipped the save password prompt)
  8. Connected the device to my home network for internet access
  9. Opened the “firmware” tab an clicked “install update”
  10. Received the error
  11. Rebooted the device
  12. clicked “manual update”
  13. navigated to where I previously saved the …1.06.06.bin file
  14. clicked “install and reboot”
  15. Observed the file upload starting…(bottom-left corner of Chrome showed an upload % complete) and observed a spinner on the “my passport” browser tab spinning away with progress
  16. Observed the progress reaching 15%, then restart at 0%, climb to 28%, then restart at 0, climb to 32%…then stop moving
  17. Observed the spinner on the browser tab stop spinning
  18. Observed the “Upload File” message was frozen on the “My Passport” tab
  19. Left the PC for 7 hours (went to sleep)…no change in the morning
  20. Closed the browser, rebooted the device
  21. Tried and Tried again…failed and failed again…


But, have you contacted WD Support for assist? Maybe you have a defective unit.

Yes, I have a case with them.