Connecting external drive My Book prevents PC start up

Have 6 TB MY Book. When it is connected to my Dell PC, PC does not start. Showing only DELL logo. After drive is disconnected, computer starts, and now I can connect the drive. This external drive already has some information that was copied on this PC. Please advise.

Hi anatoly_k,

You should refer below mentioned KBA in this concern.

Check your BIOS. Some BIOS prevent computer from booting it the external hard is attach to the computer port. You can set the BIOS to boot from your internal hard drive first. I had this issue with my Intel B75 chipset system back then which two symptoms that cause the computer not booting. One is the external hard drive need to remove off from the boot order menu and the other is the USB external drive needs to be run at Super Speed instead of at High Speed. Hope that can help you.

nope … i have ONLY the internal HDD as the boot and NO OTHER OPTION and STILL every time PC reboots, it hangs and I have to unconnect the WD ED and reboot.

this is really ridiculous. I have only used Seagate but was in a jam and needed a drive without waiting for delivery. I was reluctant to get the WD anyway and this is a major issue.

REALLY annoyed as its now out of return period.

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jUST PURCHASED A EXTERNAL MY BOOK back up drive and am having the same problem.

Then made sure your unit is not format as ExFat. Some BIOS can’t handle ExFAT.