Conan the Barbarian?

When I play one of my Blade Runner soundtrack tunes that I downloaded from Imeem on my Fuze, it shows a “Conan the Barbarian” album cover.  Only shows it for this one tune.  How do album covers work?  Can album covers be imbeded in the mp3 files?

What I’d really prefer is to disable the showing of any album cover and get more screen space for displaying the file data.  Is there an option anywhere for doing this?

Yes, covers can be imbedded. Look at Conan in mp3tag and you can manipulate the data. The album art stuff is a little convoluted, but mp3tag Help files explain it.

I don’t think there’s a way to take the art off the Sansa display. Its display options are pretty limited. 


Just had a scary thought.  What if the music providers provided free mp3 files and put advertisment into the album art or file comments?

That’s pretty neat! I just put Sean Young’s pic as the album art in Rachel’s Song (Blade Runner). I can have fun with that.

@mikeinkaty wrote:



Just had a scary thought.  What if the music providers provided free mp3 files and put advertisment into the album art or file comments?

Some already do (not free files, but ads & other crapola in the Comments) . . . and it causes havoc with Sansa players!