I saw on the recent android update of the WD app that theres now Chromecast support. Has anyone got this to work?
Last week at the cottage I tried unsuccessfully to use MPW as a wifi connection between my phone and the chromecast. I wasnt able to bypass the fact chromecast required an internet connection even though I wanted to only view the media on MPW. Has anyone been able to successfully use the MPW as a wifi hub for Chromecast?
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Since the update is quite recent then it could be a while before other board members start playing with it. On the meanwhile you could try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this. You can do so either by phone or email.
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From an Andoroid phone I’ve managed to get a app called localcast to stream media from the MPW’s DNLA service to the ChromeCast. The ChromeCast actually does the fetching and playing while the localcast app is just an controller.
Just one thing . . . . The ChromeCast’s collection of codecs is very limited. The ChromeCast can’t play more of the other popular compressed video formats. If it won’t play then ChromeCast can’t cope. It’s not the DNLA service’s fault.
I watched a m4v video file made from a Blu-ray disk using the MPW, a Kindle tablet & app and an HDMI cable connected to the Kindle and on to TV while vacationing rhis summer. It worked great.
I used the MPW as the media server, the Kindle was running the Avia app and started the video playing, and HDMI cable got it on the hotel room TV. Kindle tablets (unlike my iPads) have a mini HDMI out jack and is one of the reasons I even bought a Kindle a few years ago.