Upgraded to Lion a couple of days ago which has rendered the drive manager software useless. I want to change my mybook studio !! from a raid 0 to a raid 1 configuration but don’t know how to. I’ve tried using disk utility but suspect it can only change the raid configuration of two separate drives, as the mybook always shows up as one drive despite containing two drives I assume disk utility thinks it contains only one drive and therefore can’t change the raid configuration.
So baiscally I’m stuck, I need to change the raid settings but can see no possible way forward, anyone got any advice?
You have to install the WD Drive Manager. Even if it’s not really running under Lion, you can manually use the WD RAID Manager (System Library → Application Support → Western Digital → WD RAID Manager).
I’ve tried installing drive manager but the application only shows up for a fraction of a second in the menu bar before di
larue wrote:
You have to install the WD Drive Manager. Even if it’s not really running under Lion, you can manually use the WD RAID Manager (System Library → Application Support → Western Digital → WD RAID Manager).
sappearing and is nowhere to be found in the application support folder.
Use Finder and got to: “/Library/Application Support/WesternDigital/WDDriveManager” up from the root of your system drive. There you’ll find “WD RAID Manager.app”. Run it. I’m on Lion and it works.
Use Finder and got to: “/Library/Application Support/WesternDigital/WDDriveManager” up from the root of your system drive. There you’ll find “WD RAID Manager.app”. Run it. I’m on Lion and it works.
Looking in /Library/Application Support but there is no WesternDigital folder there. I’ve tried reinstalling drive mannager several times but it won’t show up!
Ok I’ve solved the problem (sort of), I was able to open raid manager in the 2 seconds that the icon appears in the menu bar after installing. Still doesn’t appear in the library though, strange!