Changing my powersource from UK to US on WD 500GB My Book

Hi Everyone

New poster here, I’m hoping someone might be able to help. I have a 500GB My Book external hard drive, and it has given me great service, and is full of all my essential files. I’m about to move from the UK to the US, and obviously I will be taking my drive with me. On the powersource, there is a UK plug attachment that slides on and off, and it looks like it would accept a US or European attachment, but I don’t have these attachments. I’m obviously hoping to get hold of the US version, does anybody know where I can get one, or if WD sell them? It’s not on the online store and I’ve trawled through E-Bay and Amazon, but with no success.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you



Try to contact WD directly they will ship you the adapter immediately. You can do so either by phone or email.

To Contact WD for Technical Support