Help! I plugged in my Passport Ultra as usual but found no content files. On “My Computer” the Ultra shows up and contains 2tb of data (out of 3tb capacity). The only files/folders I can see are: bin, Extras, User Manuals, WD Apps, WD Backup.swstor, WD SmartWare.swstor, Desktop - Shortcut (which does not work) and WD Apps Setup.
Total size is a few hundred GB, nowhere near 2tb.
This has happened before but I don’t remember how I fixed it. I already have “Show Hidden Files, Folders and Drives” selected.
I do remember that it was a simple fix, NOT involving diagnostics or virus checks or any of that stuff.
I’m running Win7 Professional, 8GB RAM.
Any solutions welcome!
I found a solution, sort of, but it’s pretty weird.
Computer > My Passport (E:) > WD SmartWare.swstor > DRWIN-HP>Volume.690fa799…etc etc. > Users > Public > Documents
Then click on the double back arrow << to the left of Volume in the menu bar.
This creates a pulldown with all the folders and files.
Click on desired folder or file to open.
Obviously this is less than ideal. Is there any way to set things up so that I look at the files and folders by simply clicking on the WD drive, instead of going through all this process?