Can't "Safely Remove" my WD My Passport SE

I can’t “Safely Remove” my WD My Passport SE from my computer using “Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media” after using it. The salesman where I bought my External HDD told me to always safely remove it from the computer after using it. He told me that it’s the best way to keep it safe to avoid damage to the “wire?”…

Please Help!

It’s hard to tell what the cause is. I have one that does that If I log out then back on it works OK then.


What do you mean by you log out? is it restarting the computer?

I have tried restarting my computer then safely remove it, and it did safely remove…

but just yesterday, I can’t safely remove it again so I tried to restart the comp then do it again, but it diodn’t work…so I just turned off/shut down my comp then…remove it…is that okay??

If the PC is fully shut down it’s OK to remove the drive. Log off is in the start area next to where you shut down. It just signs you out of your user account then you log back on. That works for some people.


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