Cannot turn clip on

When I connect to my computer, I the clip shows as charging and I can see all of my music, and the battery shows at 98%.

But when I disconnect, the clip will not turn on. I tried holding the on switch for 15 seconds, but that dd  good

Any ideas as to what may be going on?

You should try forced MSC mode

Also flashing Clip with new fw may help

You should try forced MSC mode Also flashing Clip with new fw may help

FW= firmware?

I"m charging my Clip for the first time…I’ve no idea how much I’ve charged and when am I done…?  All I see are the two icons and the two arrows switching around and the darned battery icon flashing.    

Slide the power switch to the On position, and hold it there for 10-15 seconds.  This will perform a soft reset of the device.  In fact, if you have headphones on, you can actually hear teh soft “click” as the device resets.

Then, try powering up as usual, with a brief press to the On position.

If the device is recognized by the computer, and is communicating, be sure that it’s charging.  Have a look at the charge indicator.  Is the battery charging, and does it show a charge level?

Better yet, if you are in MTP mode, open a Windows Explorer window by pressing [Windows Key] = E, or go to My Computer.  With the Clip connected, right click on the device and select Properties.  Check that the battery is charged. In MTP mode, you can see the charge level.

If this is OK, and the Clip suddenly dies when disconnected, you may have a bad battery or connection internally.  Contact Support at 1-866-SANDISK for further assistance.

Bob  :smileyvery-happy:

thanks…it’s about 85% charged…so I’ve got 15% left to go…

@punkinbee59 wrote:
thanks…it’s about 85% charged…so I’ve got 15% left to go…

it’s still 85% an hour later…

however…looking at the Clip’s charging screen I can see the battery fully charged. 


What is FSC mode and how do I try it? Since I cannot get teh device to turn on, I cannot use any options on teh device. Al I can do is see t through windows explorer, where it looks fine. All my msic is still there, I can play music on it through explorer (i.e it copies the muic back on pc and plays it on pc), and properties shows it charged at 98%


Mikey42 (the original author of the question)

I tried downloadng new FW using sandisk updater.  While it appears to load the new FW, it actually does not, and firmware remains at v01.01.18A

why wont my clip turn on ?

i plug it in and it shows its taking a charge but when its un plugged it wont turn on.

it wont reset when i hold up the power button for 15 sec. either.:cry:

Its probable you have a broken battery wire. Search on this topic and youll find links to people who have either returned their clip or repaired them themselves.

I must say that all your advices are pretty good, but useless when our “clips” don’t want to turn on… I tried all your steps: review the USB Connections, reset the device, Have a wall charger, update the firmware, etc, etc, etc… But all this steps doesn’t work for me…

I was able to fix my device only when I tore it apart. I noticed that there was three cables that connect the Lithium battery to the device. In my case, there was a blue, a red and a black cable and the problem was that two of the three cables was disconnect. I still looking for the reason. I solve the problem just reconnecting the two cables in the respective places.

I recommend you to take your device to the Service Center where you get your “Clip” but, if you can’t do that, then try my option. You just have to do that very careful to avoid to damage the internal parts of the device.

I hope that information be helpful for you. Sorry for my English but is not my natal language.


Christian Cabrera

El Salvador

Your right, but can they have it replaced? :wink:

@christyle wrote:


I was able to fix my device only when I tore it apart. I noticed that there was three cables that connect the Lithium battery to the device. In my case, there was a blue, a red and a black cable and the problem was that two of the three cables was disconnect. I still looking for the reason. I solve the problem just reconnecting the two cables in the respective places.

This was a very common problem with some of the early production Clips. You may have 1 of these.

The reason? Shoddy workmanship in China (where they are made)! Bad soldered joints in electronics are just plain sloppy and there’s no excuse for it . . . especially since most of them are probably automated machine soldered and no human hand ever touches it.

Good for you! You were adventurous enough to take it apart and were able to correct the problem yourself. Maybe others here with similar problems could send you their players for repair. You could have discovered a whole new career path. :wink: