Long story short, my 2TB WD MyBook Studio LX quit mounting on my Mac. After trying new cords and different computers I decided to remove the hard drive from the enclosure and try to connect it via a USB hard drive reader. At this point my Mac at least recognized that a drive was present. Although it displayed a message that said “This drive is unreadable by this computer.” and gave me the option to eject or initialize. I initialized it and it appeared in my Disk Utility. I couldn’t actually select the drive to verify or repair, but it was at least showing up as something. The drive was also being recoginzed by Data Rescue III, and I let that run for about 2 days. It looked like it was pulling a bunch of files, but in the end the only files actually recovered were the original Western Digital Documents on the drive when I bought it.
Meanwhile, I sent the drive to a Data Recovery company and they’re telling me that they cannot access the drive without my original enclosure. Unfortunately, I assumed that enclosure was trash and I threw it away. They’re saying they need the original enclosure because the 256 Bit Encryption is stored on that interface.
Help me! Can anyone offer please any other possible solutions. It’s 2TB’s of my life I’d like back!