I have tried to use disk utility to set up above external.
First aid runs successfully.
Erase Fails
Erasing “WD My Passport 25E2 Media” (disk3) and creating “Untitled”
Unmounting disk
Creating the partition map
Unable to write to the last block of the device.
Operation failed…
Help ?
You should try reformatting the drive using WD Drive Utilities Software from the link given below.
You can using the Drive Erase function given in the WD Drive utilities to reformat the drive.
If still the issue persists, the drive may have gone bad. You can try creating the RMA for the device (if under warranty) from the link given below.
I tried to erase the drive as you suggested. Below is the result.
I think this needs to be returned?
I tried to erase the drive as you suggested. Below is the result.
I think this needs to be returned?