Broken SATA to USB Bridge Board

Hi y’all

I am having trouble with my Western Digital 1.5TB My Book Essential Edition.

My exterior usb port had the cord yanked out and broke the piece that connects the HDD to the usb interface.

I took the hard drive out of the case and connected it via SATA to my computer and now it connects, but says I need to format.

Data retrieval finds only 2 files, both disc images

Is there any way to order the usb interface thing from Western Digital maybe?  Can i try another USB Bridge from another HDD?  I have an older 500GB My Book and also a 1TB My Book

Thanks in advance!

Well if it’s a drive with Smartwer it’s hardware encrypted by the board. It’s possible that one of the other boards might work but they change them constantly so there is no guarantee it will work. It will also void the warranty on them. If the USB port simply broke off the board you might try finding an electronics repair place and see if they can solder on a new one.
