Backup Problems

I have a My Book Elite and use it to back up files from my Vista 64 bit PC. My PC and WD are both fully updated. WD Smartware fails to backup up all the jpegs.  It handles all other types OK. I have read in the Forums that it will (or may) not backup jpegs used by two programs.  Does this mean if I keep photos in Windows Photo Gallery plus Goggle’s Picasa  that there could be trouble.   I have tried all suggestions from Customer Service including check disc, defrag, etc.,etc. Any help or thoughts appreciated.

Have you checked to make sure that the files are not in an excluded folder, like a system folder in your Program folder?

Yes, thanks.  None in system folders. The Smartware seems to know they (the pictures) exists since when you open Smartware and click the Home tab, “C” says 391.4 MB for Pictures while “F” for the external WD Drive says 105.0 MB for Pictures.  When you click the Backup tab, the Backup button is grayed out and will not function. When you click Stop Backup and then Stop Backup again, Backup functions but when you click it all that happens is it goes gray.

Try closing all applications that use those pictures. Windows will not allow two programs to use one file at the same time, that’s why when you have a file open and you try to copy to a different place it tells you that the file is in use.

About the backup button been grayed out, that’s the way it should work. Once pressed it will be grayed out unless you stop the backup. 

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When you stop and then start backup however, all it does is immediately stop again with no progress on the missing jpegs.  I have jpegs that are used by several photo managers but none are running when I try to backup.

Are those files locating under the main drive on your computer? Assuming you have more than one drive, Have you tried changing the location of the folders you want to backup to see if the software will find the pics?

What version of Smartware are you using?

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There is a couple of things you can try.  But first of all, what does it say the backup status is?  You’ll find it under the Home tab in the upper left corner.

If Windows Photo Gallery and Google’s Picasa, are software on the pc that are both running, even if they’re running in the background, then yes they could be stopping Smartware from backing the pictures up.  Try shutting them down and not allowing them to autostart on bootup.  Then reboot your pc and see whether Smartware starts backing them up.

Also, where are you storing your pictures?  If you’ve moved them to a folder off the C: drive then that could be a problem.

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When I open Smartware, at the Home tab the only thing I see is the details of the files by category in C and  My Book. and Welcome in the upper left.  When I click the Backup tab I see a status comment  of Partial Backuip Accomplished. No photo management programs are set for auto startup and all are shut down when I try to complete the backup.  All pictures are stored in C\Users\Stuart\Pictures.

Any danger in erasing the My Book Drive and try again?

Javauno wrote:



Any danger in erasing the My Book Drive and try again?

Not at all, but that does not mean it will be backup the files is missing. Bill_S suggested to check the version of the software, it earlier try updating and see what happens.

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The Smartware says version and when I click Update no change.  The “About  WD Quickviwew” says version I have previously followed tne WD suggested update process and verified that I have gthe latest and gratest Microsoft Net Framework, all updates and the latest AdobeFlash. I thinkwhen I have the time I will go ahead and erase and start over to see what happens.

I uninstalled WD Smartware and then reinstalled/updated Firmware and Software. following all WD steps.  It worked and the Backup is complete.

Glad to know it worked :smiley:

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