Automatic Back up

I have been asked to set up an external hard drive to back up a certain folder at a credit union I work for. They want a daily back up of a folder in case something gets deleted from it by accident. My question is, when a back up is done, does the hard drive create a folder for that day, so I can look back for a file that got deleted? Example would be a folder for 2/11/2018 2/12/2018 2/13/2018

Thank you for your help

That would be depend on the backup software you use. If you want a daily backup like that, it will take up hard drive space as the backup will create a duplicate file every time that file get modify.


Maybe not. WD Backup can be selected to do a daily backup at a certain time. You would only use one folder and Backup will create a record for each date. You will accumulate data only once per day.

You could then retrieve any backup by date. You would have to move the days records on the computer to a new dated folder.

Eventually you will fill up the drive. You may be able to delete older date records. Or change to a new drive, say monthly, quarterly or yearly. Right now “deleting” appears questionable but maybe it will improve.


So you are saying that it would create a folder for each day a back up happens. So it would have a folder for 3/5/2018,3/6/2018 and so forth? The back up is just in case something gets deleted that someone did not mean to. I tried to restrict it on the permissions but they would not be able to create folders.

Not clear to me why they cab’t create folders.