Another Playlist Question

Hi everybody,

I bought my 8gb Fuze a  few hours ago.  I’ve had some more basic MP3 players in the past (0.5-1 GB), but i am not very proficient technically (so please, if people answer, take it easy on me with the computerese).  I spent a good part of the day loading up folders with what i wanted to put on my player (which are for the most part lectures, speeches, language programs, educational stuff, and various other things i’ve recorded–i’m not dealing with music, which seems even more complicated).  I had no problem loading my files on to the device, but i can’t see the folders (and the names i’ve given them), like i could with the more basic MP3s i’ve had in the past.  Instead, I have just a looooooong list of the various files in the “recently added” section.  Under the other sections, such as, “genres,” the device arranged files as it saw fit.  I simply want to see and be able to manage my files from the folders i already arranged.    I am running on Windows XP. 

BTW, i did try to manage the files under Windows Media, but it was not reading the device.  If WMA is a better way for me to get my folders to show up, please let me know–and give me advice on how to use WMA.  Lastly, how could i convert a lecture to an “audiobook” file–i would like to try out some of the features the audiobook manager offers.

Thanks for reading the post.  Any advice, especially if it’s kept simple, would be much appreciated.
