Android app uploads to MY Cloud Public folder only

i would like to suggest that the options that are included with the iPhone app be added to the Android app. My wife’s iPhone has the following options when getting ready to upload phone photos to our My Cloud that I would really like to see in my Android app:

  1. Option to select photos for operations

  2. Option to Add a photo while being in a selected folder

  3. Option to Add a new folder to her My Coud user folder rather than the default Public folder.

I think all the Android users would be encouraged to experiment more with the My Cloud device if we had more control of our uploads.

I really love our My Cloud since my wife’s iPhone can now upload photos from her iPhone in a manner that works so much better so much easier than when we first bought it. She is now happy to get the photos off her iPhone and get them easliy organized on our My Coud. Thanks for the new changes to the My Cloud device and iPhone app. Now, if you could do the same for Android I could complete my joy. :slight_smile: