to all of you.
I am using three Western Digital’s External HDD’s with Power Adaptor, First one is 1TB, other two’s are 4TB, actually some days ago, my 4TB hdd’s Adaptor gone bad, its rating was 12V : 1.5A, the 1TB hdd had same rating Adaptor, I connected that adaptor but, strangly the 4TB hdd starts but it behaves as it throttles, and nothing showed in the My Computer or in Disk Management although the Device Manager detects the Drive, then I connect the another 4TB’s Adaptor, this time this 4TB works perfect, then I purchased a New Adaptor having a rating of 12V : 2A, but when I connect this Adaptor to the Hard Disk the same throttle thing happened, Now, I don’t know where to buy the Original Adaptor?, although the WD’s Website Listed some online stores(here in India) for purchasing of the Hard Drive’s Accessories, but nothing found there.But, most important Question here is why the Hard Drive behaving strange while connecting the Different Adaptors? Is there a special Chip install in the Adaptor? Please Reply. Hope to see reply soon.Thank You.