This is the second time a WD external hard drive has died and lost all data. It might be a couple if years old but that does not and SHOULD NOT matter.
This was my backup for my computer and all the stuff that I cannot fit onto my 1T hard drive. I am not looking for a refund. What I want is a RELIABLE external hard drive. I am NOT willing to ro through this again.
Any recommendations? Thank you.
read my posts I have been having the same kind of issues with WD and I totally agree with your statements here and there is something wrong with the fact that WD does not stand by their products that do not seem to do what they were designed to do and causing so many people to lose so much personal and important files. I can no answer your question since I thought WD was a good product that is why I bought mine to begin with,
I thought so too and I even bought another after one failed. The 4T is my most recent and it just failed. That’s it. EVERYTHING was on that one (because it could be).
Does ANYONE have a suggestion about another company, another product. I am NOT going through this again. Lesson learned.