303 songs and 1 podcast and my 4g clip is full?

Why is this thing full? I only have 303 songs and 1 podcast and its full. I’ve had way more podcasts on here before but now it won’t let me, what gives?

It all depends on the file format you’re using, the bitrate for the files, and their ultimate size.  At one point, I calculated 8 CDs I was ripping per gigabyte on my then-player, using the rip-rate I was using; if you figure on 10 tunes per CD, that gets into your neighborhood. 

Look at the size on your computer for the files–if the total size on your computer is north of 3 GB, that’s the explanation.  And then, if you want to fit more on your player, consider using a file format and rip rate that result is a smaller file size. 

Also:  podcasts of spoken word often are smaller than music files, the reason why you may be able to get a larger number of podcasts on the player as opposed to music files. 

All song files aren’t the same size.  Say, if you purchase music from Amazon or eMusic, they are, in general, 320kbps.  Much higher in bit rate than the 128kbps that is used by Sandisk to calculate how many songs can fit onto 4gb. 

How long the song is will also determine how much space the song file will take up.  100 three minute songs will used up less space than 100 five minute songs.

One other thing to consider when it comes to file size is the size of the album art.  It doesn’t show up on the clip, but if the album art is embedded into the file, it’ll still take up space on your player.

OK,  I can see why it would fill so fast, however… I haven’t added anything new, I have actually deleted podcasts and now I can only add a single podcast at a time. When I move something to the trash do I have to empty the trash to free up space? and if so how do I empty it?

@hallclip37 wrote:

OK,  I can see why it would fill so fast, however… I haven’t added anything new, I have actually deleted podcasts and now I can only add a single podcast at a time. When I move something to the trash do I have to empty the trash to free up space? and if so how do I empty it?

yes, if you dont empty the trash it will not free the space. you will need to format it and reload your content. i would use the format function in settings. then reload your content. to prevent this happening again either empty the trash before you disconnect it or use the delete option on the device to delete files.