16GB microSD card: $28 after rebate (store and Internet--U.S.)

On sale at Fry’s Electronics in the U.S., a Polaroid-brand 16GB microSD card; Class 2 card.

Can be picked up at a Fry’s store (assuming there’s stock), but also purchased via Internet and shipped with only $2 shipping.

Note that the original price is $43, with, then, a $15 mail-in rebate.


Nice deal, it seems to me.


Sorry, you couldn’t get me to use that card if Fry’s were _ paying me _ to take it.

Nothing against the card . . . but I wouldn’t buy the time of day from Fry’s.

Hmm, I don’t have any more problems at Fry’s than anywhere else.  But then, I have a store in my area and returns always are possible and easy enough to do, if needed. 

Mail in rebate? UGH!!!

Polaroid brand??? Who makes this??? I’ll pass. All my cards aren’t Sandisk, however they are major brand and not made by an unknown maker with some other brand pasted on.

Miikerman wrote:
Hmm, I don’t have any more problems at Fry’s than anywhere else.  But then, I have a store in my area and returns always are possible and easy enough to do, if needed. 

Might just be the ones in my area (there are 2 close by), but their customer service is terrible, and if you have to take anything back, they give you the 3rd degree and want your fingerprints, blood sample and rights to your 1st-born male child.

My local Fry’s has gotten much better.  They actually accost me in the aisle, now, asking if I need help (but then seem a bit at sea, about 50% of the time, when I do). 

And when I do a return, I just patiently smile back at them …  It’s kind of like passive aggressiveness in reverse.   :wink:

As to the rebate, yep, I agree that a rebate is a pain.  But it’s also $15.  And the Polaroid brand?  Probably just fine enough for a card for the Clip+ and its purposes and needs. 

Miikerman wrote:

As to the rebate, yep, I agree that a rebate is a pain.  But it’s also $15.  And the Polaroid brand?  Probably just fine enough for a card for the Clip+ and its purposes and needs. 

Indeed. But $28 is a righteous price for a 16 gig card.

Miikerman wrote:

As to the rebate, yep, I agree that a rebate is a pain.  But it’s also $15.  And the Polaroid brand?  Probably just fine enough for a card for the Clip+ and its purposes and needs. 

Indeed. $28 is a righteous price for a 16 gig card.

Wow!  The marvels of technology and miniaturization never cease to amaze me.  How hard is it to grip the pull-tab on those cards?  Do they provide a tweezer?

Bob  :stuck_out_tongue:

Mine came today…my SanDisk card, that is.:wink: I’m clocking my database refresh time at the moment.

For 3,642 songs, plus 4 podcasts, approximately 5 minutes and 15 seconds. 

Message Edited by Marvin_Martian on 04-12-2010 10:36 PM