128gb thumb drive only shows 114gb is that correct?

This is what Windows shows

Total free bytes : 123,013,955,584 (114.6 GB)
Total bytes : 123,014,742,016 (114.6 GB)
Total quota free bytes : 123,013,955,584 (114.6 GB)

I’m not expecting to see all 128gb but that’s a 13gb loss

Found that in support but like I said I expected some loss but not 13gb that seems like a lot.

Manufacturers use a decimal algorithm where 1GB equals 1000MB, 1MB equals 1000KB, and 1KB equals 1000B. However, in operating systems, a binary algorithm is used, meaning 1GB equals 1024MB, 1MB equals 1024KB, and 1KB equals 1024B. As a result, the actual displayed capacity of a storage device labeled as 128GB in the operating system is typically 128 ÷ 1.024 ÷ 1.024 ÷ 1.024 ≈ 119.2GB. Additionally, since system files occupy some space after partition formatting, the actual available capacity will be even smaller.

Thanks for your explanation but I was already familiar with that, I was just mostly looking for a confirmation that a 128gb drive would only show 114gb free.

Totally expected it to be less then 128gb just was surprised how much lower then 128gb it was.

Have you looked at a directory of files/folders on the drive? Isn’t there a security system on the drive?

There were a few files on the drive but I’ve since deleted and recreated partitions and formatted it so there is nothing on the drive now.

Yes, smoofy. It’s normal if the lost space is close to 10% of the total. Mine is 117GB. Make sure the flash drive you buy is genuine.

It’s completely normal to see less available space on your 128GB thumb drive than what’s advertised. The difference comes down to how storage capacity is calculated by manufacturers versus how your operating system interprets it.