Organizing Music by Folders

I know how to organize my music creating Playlists manually, but is there a way to place the Playlist as the first access item in stead of by Artist> Album> Song> Genre>Playlist?

Playlist is the last one when browsing.  Is there a way to access or to create a shorcut for faster access to the playlist?

Creating shorcuts on the player for instant access for other things like settings would be great.  Is there a way to do it?

Thank you for you help in advance!

It’s not possible to create a shorcut on the playlist option.

I am making a request for customization of Music sub-menu.

please support me

@rohit3192 wrote:

I am making a request for customization of Music sub-menu.

Why don’t you post this in the Fuze+ Feedback and Feature Request thread? I know you know where it is; you’ve posted in it before.