Clip Sport: Album Art too small

The latest firmware (v1.18) still doesn’t take advantage of the larger ( 128 x 128 ) display of the Clip Sport (over the Sansa Clip Zip_'s 96 x 96 _). The album art is actually smaller, reduced from 96 x 96 (overlayed) to only 52 x 52.

This could be easily handled, within the current design.

( All images are diagrammatic, in actual pixel representation. )

Clip Sport - track play - v1.18 (current):

background 84 x 84, album art 52 x 52

Proposed design:

standard view (album/CD) - square aspect ratio

background 100 x 84, album art 80 x 80

standard view (single/CD) - closer to 8:7 aspect ratio

background 100 x 84, album art 94 x 80

This could easily be added, for the next firmware update.

Then we could also have ‘full screen’ view, like for the Sansa Clip Zip.


large view (album/CD)

background 128 x 110, album art 110 x 110

large view (single/CD)

background 128 x 110, album art 128 x 110

Great idea; unlikely that it will be done . . . .