Lost in the help forums

Hey Bob,

               Still haven’t put down this computer to walk to the other computer to look at the files yet. 

To answer your question wrapped in a " depending on what OS you have…" Vista is what is on the computer I now use the most.

There is a very strong urge to go back to a desktop that I have which was one of those mega, top of the line computers that are offered to the public " packaged" for a big box store for instance ( that was where my Dad purchased it ) Not sure that matters here. It sounds as if I can use what comes with media player and windows 7 premium to make those little changes to the tag on all of those albums now on my sensa C250.

BTW, if I didn’t mention it before I want to say that I have been listening to the ones that do not play on my mp3 but they play great through the media player on the win 7 laptop.

Let’s see if i can convert them to my religion. HA!