correct alphabetical order

I’ve been thinking very hard on examples to prove that diacritics matter :stuck_out_tongue: Simple one: “ou” means “or” while “où” means “where”. Also “marche” (feminine word) means “step” (of a stair), while “marché” (masculine word) means “market”. so without diacritics, you have no idea what “les marches” means (it’s a plural, the same for masculine or feminine words).

Anyway, I sent a email to sansafix, but his response was very strange (“I got this one as well”, followed by a copy of my message).

A few months ago, I sent an email to sansa support, telling them about a mistranslation, and proposing them a few alternatives. I received a not-automated answer, but that was not taken into account, and the mistranslation is still here in the new firmware. In the system info, Power (the battery status) was translated “Marche/Arrêt”, which can only be translated back as On/Off!

Sometimes I wonder if the sansa team ever take into account what we ask, or if they only work on what they think we want?