YAPL - a new playlist creator for the FUZE

Sorry about the delphi :slight_smile:

Basically, Delphi handles the Win32 side of the UI - I’ve implemented USB stack searching to automatically determine the drives that the Fuze utilises, and a lot of heavy API To get drag and drop working, with alpha blended images for the sheer hell of it. The actual file-search is done using the free audio library ATL (Audio Tools Library - Programming tools for Borland Delphi) which just pulls out tags (though I shall be adding batch tag editing and possibly replaygain tags too).

The routine to generate a playlist is thus:

DriveLetter := FuzeStatus.Internal.DriveLetter;

SaveList := TStringlist.Create;

For Idx := 0 To PlayList.Count -1 Do Begin

Str := PlayList[Idx];

Idx2 := 1;

While Idx2 \< Length(Str) Do Begin

If Str[Idx2] = '\' Then

Str[Idx2] := '/';



If Str[1] = DriveLetter Then

Str := '/mmc:0' + Copy(Str, 2, Length(Str))


Str := '/mmc:1' + Copy(Str, 2, Length(Str));



You cannot use files from both the internal and external storage with any playlists other than .pla format. m3u and others cannot be used. 

You have to make a playlist using two files - one blank file ( “playlist.pla” ) of zero bytes, and one ( “playlist.pla.refs” ) which contains the filenames in unix format. Both need to reside in the Fuze’s PLAYLISTS folder, on the root of the internal storage.

Other than that, it’s pretty easy.

The only license that any of my source components use is the LGPL, so I shall have no problems making the source available when it’s in a fit state to do so. 


Message Edited by Dunny on 08-20-2009 03:34 PM