This firmware is absolute garbage. Can't wait for Rockbox.

My attitude comes from dealing with junk products, and understanding why they’re junk.  These problems shouldn’t be arising.  The reason that they arise is due to shoddy quality software, and it’s probably not the engineers’ fault.  It’s standard practice for management to cut costs down to the bone, so that even employees who want to do a good job aren’t allowed enough time to do a good job.

When things are crappy and you understand why, the thing to do is talk about it so that awareness rises, and hopefully the root causes can be eliminated. To not complain simply does not make sense.

The only time I’ve ever given any users on this forum a hard time is when they attempted to obstruct speech about and investigation of these problems. And anything that was said was true in the given context. 

I’ve wasted tens of hours troubleshooting problems on this product. Sandisk, PM me for my paypal or mailing address, you owe me a freaking check.