Security lock for the Fuze family of mp3 players

I agree with the general concencus here, in that its certainly do-able, and I see your point, but I don’t see it as a common need.  Most of us have nothing more than a ton of music on there, maybe with a few videos, and possibly the same kinda pictures you’d put in your wallet (family, friends, sig. other, prized possessions, etc).  While it can be used to store any data you want, its kind of a hassle to do so, and most of us don’t always carry the cable around.  Security/encryption on any pocketable device like that isn’t going to bring the device back to you, it just makes it harder for the crook to access your files or use the thing.  Still, any security can be broken if they’re persistent enough, and they could always find a way to do a hard reset and format it.  Or maybe they’ll just throw it away, but they won’t be knocking on your to return it you.

As far as files go, what do you have on there that isn’t already shared all over the world?  Unless you record your own music, all the music you have on there can be easily downloaded by anyone with an internet connection, so its already shared all over the world.  It’s not like its all YOUR music, so to speak, but just the music you chose.  You’ll just be saving them a wee bit of hassle, but only if they like all the same kinda music as you.  As far as videos and pictures go, I should hope there’s nothing really incriminating on there, if so, you should take it off anyway.  Music/comedy videos are available to anyone, and your random/personal pics aren’t going to be of any value to anyone, as long as they’re not TOO personal.  So, while it would ■■■■ to lose your Fuze, the crooks aren’t really gonna get anything else of much value off of it.  If you have confidential files that you can’t risk going to the wrong hands or into public domain, get an encrypted thumb drive, or encrypt the one you have.  Its not hard to do, and its much easier to carry around and convenient to use.  

In closing, I see where you’re coming from, and it might not be a bad optional feature to have.  However, there’s little point to it for the vast majority of users, and honestly, there are alot of other features I would rather see come first.  Bottom line is no amount of security will bring it back to you, all the files should be backed up anyway, and if there’s anything confidential on there, you should take it off anyway.