Sansa Fuze USB Connection Problems

Hi, since a few days, I cannot connect my Fuze via USB any more. I tried different cables, different computers, selected MSC or MTP mode, resetted to factory settings, formatted the device…nothing helps. Windows (XP, SP3) recognizes an unknown USB device (or nothing at all if in MTP mode) . It is not possible to change the driver, so i’m really losing hope here… Hopefully someone of you can help me?

There might be dust or something tiny stuck inside the USB port on the Fuzes end. Blow compressed air inside it.

Hm doesn’t seem to help… i forgot to mention: the battery is loading as soon as I attach the cable, so the connection in general seems to work

Have you tried another computer?

yes, three different computers, both laptops and desktop computers - one with VISTA, two with XP. same story…

Call tech support.

@doozer wrote:
yes, three different computers, both laptops and desktop computers - one with VISTA, two with XP. same story…

Connecting it to the Vista computr might be the problem, Vista destroys just about anything I’ve connected to it. But that doesn’t mean it will destroy it for sure.

To make sure, hold up the power button in the On position for 15-20 seconds to do a Soft Reset (the settings are reset, but the music remains on the Fuze). If it stills doesn’t work, then contact tech support. 

Vista is not the issue I am sure. I have 2 vista and 2 XPs and mine works just fine. However, you should try to update your drivers on your computer. I had the same issue with my connect and all it needed was a driver update in windows itself.

You never know, with the way Micro$#!% is.

The problem is not caused by dust. If it is read by a computer to a certain extent, then it works. Run it in safe mode and use sansapatcher.exe to degrade the firmware enough so that it can be used and then use sansa updater to update the degraded firmware back to the newest firmware from SanDisk.

I’m doing an initial install right now and was having a similar problem using Windows XP.  On Autodetect - my computer wouldn’t recognize the device on the USB port.  I changed to MSC - and it still didn’t work.  Using MTP - I was able to recognize the defice -and I’m now having a hiccub using firmware update - b/c it wants me to switch to MSC - and my device still isn’t recognized using MSC. 

I’m gonna let the device charge for a few hours and then work through the problem - but if one mode doesn’t work - try the other mode.  It may solve your problem - or at least move you along to the next step.

Good luck

Message Edited by fireball on 01-18-2009 02:40 PM

This has happened to me as well. It says it is connected on the Sansa Fuze but the battery is not charging, Windows Media player doesn’t recognize it. 

@zippi wrote:
This has happened to me as well. It says it is connected on the Sansa Fuze but the battery is not charging, Windows Media player doesn’t recognize it. 

Well Lets start at the beginning… Laptop or Desktop PC? What version of windows? Service Pack? What USB Mode?

Never mind.

I changed the USB mode to MSC and it works now. I dont know why it stopped working, it used to before.

Thanks for replying so fast!

Uninstall WMP and install it again make sure its WMP 11

Alright thank you so much!

Hi My Usb Is Bent And Doesn’t Work What Do I Do? PLEASE I’M DESPERATE


I always connect to my Fuze from a computer with Vista, no problems. And while I’m not a Vista fan I’ve never found it to destroy anything, let alone “just about anything connected to it”.

Wave3435… The cable?  You can buy another one.  I bought 2 off amazon and I know one works (the other I never opened the package, guess I should have to make sure… )

No This Happened Over-time