Sansa Fuze 01.01.15 Latest Firmware Download

I have been (and still am) a very happy Clip user. I recently have acquired a Fuze and updated to the latest firmware, and have a few feature requests:

  1. (Optionally) display year/month/date in addition to hour:minute while te music is playing;
  2. (Optionally) allow using smaller font to fit more information on screen. I listen to the Economist audio edition, and the tracks are named like “12 United States - Swing states: our conclusions” (that is, number, section name and then title). The number 1 reason why I wanted to switch to Fuze was because I hoped its larger screen can show more information per line to make it easier to choose tracks, it is a bit dissapointing for me.
  3. Alternatively, (optionally) scroll all entries in the list when they are too long to fitwithin the width of the screen, instead of scrolling only the one that the cursor is currently at.
  4. Improved font. If you have tracks named in Japanese, the imbalance between kana and kanji characters is quite an eyesore. Clip with its much smaller screen shows them much much better. Fuze should be able to do better.
  5. For audiobooks and podcasts, add more playback speeds, perhaps “Faster” and “Slower”.  Currently “Fast” seems to play at about 20% faster than normal, but often I find myself wanting to speed it up even more.

Message Edited by clipuser on 11-04-2008 04:37 PM