Rockbox for Fuze v2?

@emmanueldidier wrote:
Is it possible do download Rockbox for fuze v2/ Ive seen videos of rockbox running and I think it looks cool. If its possible can someone give me instructions… simple instructions since i’m not a huge techie and can get overwhelmed with technology sometimes lol. Thanks for any help

I’m sure when Rockbox for Fuze v2 is ready for the general users there would be many postings here, in this forum. At the moment it looks like there is a problem with write function, it doesn’t work, so you can’t keep your options till the next reset of the Fuze. I suspect there is certain unwillingness on the part of the Fuze makers to share  technological specifications with the Rockbox developers - the SanDisk/Arm CPU makers feel vulnerable as Rockbox is superior to the official OS and really ROCKS!