I'm considering converting my MP3s to a format with better sound quality...

@shenanagins1091 wrote:
I have some time to burn and am bored. Alright, first let’s get it out there that I have never really considering doing this before and have no idea how to go about this. By converting my mp3s to OGG or FLAC, will the sound quality improve? Is it a simple & free process. I’d also consider using the Replay Gain feature as well.

Converting them to FLAC will do nothing but waste space. If you have the original CD’s and want to re-rip, that’s different. As a general rule converting any lossy format to another cannot possibly get any better…the best you could hope for would be they’d sound the same.

I have to go to work now or I would try to elaborate on this a little further. But generally, if you don’t have the CD’s to re-rip, then converting the mp3’s to something else would just be a waste of time.  :wink: