How can I add album artwork?

open the file in Windows Media player 11 or Media monkey will do the trick.

once opened, select Library and then now playing on, and right mouse on the file you want to change, click Advanced tag editor, select Pictures. note if there is a picture already in there and it’s the one you want. click on it and select cover (front) and hit ok. I’ve found the fuze hates pictures that are not set as front,then hit ok and close WMP11 and it should now work. remember not to use pictures that are bmps. alwasy use jpg pictures.

should alwasy work if you do that.

Mp3Tag is a good idea but I just wanted to show you how to do this with software you already may have. You could also do it in Itunes if you had that.

Message Edited by jarrycanada on 06-23-2009 06:17 PM