Guess what?

Ok, new! I called the seller and I told “Hey! I  had asked for a V1, telling that I need Rockbox. You told me it was a V1, but it is a V2. You shopuld change my V2 for a V1 or refund me”.

Obviously, I will not give it back if no V1 is available, but he told me they would have checked their stock.

So, coming back to the issue, a quick resume of the real and presumed and supposed and imaginary difference between V1 and V2 would be great.

Till now, it seems that they are the same.

But, if they are the same, why should SanDisk bother to spend money for investigation and research to make a new version of Fuze which is identical to the other one?

  1. To make it cheaper for them? Mmm, and without loosing anything of the original quality? Mmm…

  2. Or it was to make it better?

Until now I know:

V1 pros:supports Rockbox (better EQ, games, and no idea what more - Saratoga! Help!)

V2 pros:someone (sorry, forgot name) wrote that it has got better basses. Mine is quite bassy indeed, very good.

Now, anyone could find a real reason to prefer V1 over V2?

I can choose, I have one more opportunity to make it right. Need some more elements…

Someone told that one of the two had more battery life. I guess the V2, as it was the same guy of better basses.

Considering that I am not totally happy with the “Normal” EQ prest on my Fuze, and the Jazz one is a bit too cold, and I spend all the time passing from one to the other because I can’t get a good personalized preset, well, may I maybe get what I need from V1 (or from ROckbox)?

I am all ears… Or al leyes, you decide…
