Fuze won't recognize MPEG-4 audio layer files - any suggestions?

Fuze won’t recognize MPEG-4 audio layer files - any suggestions?

I loaded a series of  MPEG-4 audio layer files on to my fuze. I can see them on the fuze when I view it from my computer but not from the fuze itself.

Anyone know what I am doing wrong?



The Sansa plays .mp3, .wma. ogg, FLAC and .wav.It can’t decode m4a or mpeg-4.

Are those iTunes downloads? Apple doesn’t want you to play them anywhere but on your computer and whatever that dopI little pocket music player they make is called?   M4a and .aac are  Apple’s proprietary formats. 

Either you have to rip those files again from CDs into mp3, or if you don’t have CDs you need to convert m4a  to mp3. Get the free Media Coder  and convert (transcode) those mp4 files to mp3 at high quality, 192 kbps or above. If you use lower quality mp3 you will save space but the sound quality will suffer. 

And if you were using iTunes to rip CDs, you can change the settings (in Edit/Preferences/Advanced/Import Music, which is different from the visible Advanced tab) to make mp3 instead of m4a files when you rip. 

If your files are m4p, the p is for protected and those are copy-protected files, which means you are not supposed to move them onto another device.  The only way to convert them is to go into the hacker underworld. 

Message Edited by Black-Rectangle on 04-13-2009 10:28 PM

Thank you, that media coder does the trick.

Funny though, the Fuze spec sheet says:

File Support: MP3, OGG, FLAC, WMA, secure WMA, WAV, Audible, MPEG4


Oh well, thanks again for your help. Now my wife will be happy with her Spanish lessons on her new Fuze!

The MPEG4 in the support list refers to video.

There are actually 23 parts in the MPEG-4 specifications. The supported part is part 2 (Advanced Simple Profile video like XviD) and even that is limited.

AAC audio (possibly MPEG-4 Part 3, or MPEG-2 Part 7) is not supported. Neither is the MPEG-4 file format (.MP4) defined as MPEG-4 Part 14

@wildwater wrote:
Thank you, that media coder does the trick.

Funny though, the Fuze spec sheet says:

File Support: MP3, OGG, FLAC, WMA, secure WMA, WAV, Audible, MPEG4




Oh well, thanks again for your help. Now my wife will be happy with her Spanish lessons on her new Fuze!

Mpeg-4 is supported as a Video format. Under the AVI shell system. So it does support mpeg4 just not as an audio codec.