Fuze won't keep time.

I’ve ordered stuff off of Buy.com, and their products have been faulty at best, even their new products. Things that say “New” often end up coming to me working like they have never been tested. Needless to say, it is possible you get it and it works, but probably not. Still, it seems like yours is working (mostly), so…

 @gwk1967: For some people, yes. I know where not supposed to use our PMPs (Portable Media Players) in the work place, but there have been times where I’ve forgotten to bring other means of getting the time.Though I will agree, a clock isn’t really needed for an MP3 player, some don’t even have one, and even though I’m a Fuze fan, the clock is one of the two things I’ve been less than satisfied with (it keeps track of time, but the regular firmware provided here on the forum is less than accurrate than Rockbox, don’t ask me how as I’ve hardly any knowledge of the internals of hardware or programming :wink:).