Fuze in Hebrew


After searching for solution for Hebrew I can advice for the following steps that could assist to solve the problem:

When your Sansa is log of from the computer do the following :

1.       Open your Sansa and roll till you reach  : SETTING  ,  click on it

2.       In the new window roll to : SYSTEM SETTING  , click on it

3.       in the new window roll to : USB MODE , click on it

4.       in the new window chose the : MSC  , click on it (maybe your Sansa is already is in that mode-Its O.K )

5.       Press on the "HOME" icon to go back to the main menu


We are ready for the next step


6.        Connect your Sansa to the USB cable and plug it to the computer

7.       After the computer recognize your Sansa , copy the following link :

 Hebrew - Amos Romano



The link will download to your computer file that contain the Upgrade for Hebrew


8.After downloading you will need to extract the file to your computer.

9.When you finish to extract, take the new open file that you receive and copy it to the main file of Sana

10.Disconnect the Sansa from the Computer

11. You will see on your screen the following : Upgrading FirmWare

12. The Sansa will reset automatically

13. Open the Sansa and roll down till you find : תירבע

14. Congratulations you can read Hebrew in your Sansa


Amos Romano
