Bring back the Fuze 1

The Fuze 2 videos look good and it sounds great, but you can’t control it – especially in the dark. There’s nothing to “feel.” It over responds and under responds. If you lock it up to prefent it from sensing touches you don’t mean to give it, it is a pain to pause, back up a bit or even change volume.

I loved my old fuze 1 with the funny little dial. The only thing is they were delicate. The ear plug gets broken. I’ve gone through 5 of them and the only one I have left - I have to twist (rack) it to keep the picture from going blank. Look at what people charge for those on eBay. THEY ARE GOLD.  Over $100!!!

I’ve tried watching video on a small phone, but they light up the whole room with a big picture.  There is one little video player still out there, but not as good as the Fuze.