Any improvement for Video Conversion Yet? and Video4fuze mencoder.exe error

3dnow is a chip extention. I suspect if you look into the mencoder documentation you could indeed find the switch to turn it on (talk about a nice app but this is really vanilla. 3dNow has been around for a long time.) video4fuze 0.6+ has become my friend because for some reason the media converter just doesn’t play well with me system. windows 7 64-bit, and it never played well with my vista 64-bit either. I think this is an out and out 64-bit problem to be honest, otherwise why so little backchatter? Anyway, the trick to getting video4fuze to work on my fuze (not fuze+) is to go to Preferences and select the default and then click Two Passes. Takes double the time but so far not a single bad encode.

For those who want to increase speed on an app, you can always increase the priority of a process, but I’ll leave the details of that up to the reader to find on MSDN. Keep on climbing from Normal until your system starts to slow down a lot and then select the next highest Process priority. On a very large batch job it can cut hours in _general_ on most apps, but video4fuze is not a very integrated program (more like a string of different programs) so mencoder and ffmpeg may not be affected anyway, but Media Converter is.

Cheers to whoever made video4fuze, you’ve breathed life into my vanilla fuze.