4gb Fuze with a 23gb memory card.. Best Bit rate to continue adding too..

Thanks, I’ll have to read about Rock Box and decide…  I know it would take some time and I would be more comfortable to edit the tags maybe even bulk edit as you say. But will that really be worthwhile to do ? will I or should I say my wife be able to make use of that much more room with the tag editing teknic? My wife don’t mind th e128 bit mp3’s sound…  So that’s why she went with it… almost all out music is saved in that format on a backup drive…  I know I know…  There are better programs to rip your CD’s too and then upload to the Fuze at any lower bit rate you want…  I just don’t know the best free program to use for it and we would have to re rip all our CD’s again… not sure just how many that is, about 800+ would not be to far off…  i have the music I like on my fuze ripped to mp3’s also but at the 192 bit rate and you right for me it’s night and day… For my Fuze I will be getting her 16gb card to be  used in my 8gb fuze I guess I should re rip my music that i ONLY LISEN TOO IN MY LAPTOP at a much higher rate… I’m sure i would be happy with well under 4000 songs in my Fuze… 

Black-Rectangle, Could you give me more info knowing what  I intend to do with our music if I intend to re rip it all to a more usable make any file from cd quality to low bit rate mp’s and have it all saved in that format on a back up hard  drive? What’s the best way Program “Free Program’s” to do this with? Thank you for your help ! George