Really disappointed

Sinocelt, I think sansamatt was referring to my program, AutoM3U. There’s a link to it in my sig. I think it would be ideal for your case, which is more or less the same way I use my Clip: different folders based on mood and location rather than albums and genres.

All you have to do is run my program just before you disconnect the Clip from the computer. It will create/update playlists based on the Clip’s folders, naming them after the folders themselves and arranging the songs based on file attributes or tags. Make sure you select the M3U8 format to properly store Unicode names, which might be the reason some songs don’t show up in playlists. You can even tweak the playlists in Notepad if you’d like to rearrange the files in some way.

< rant >

I agree with you about the usefulness of folder support. I used to hate the notion of tags in general, but lately I’ve started to appreciate them. They are times where tagging seems more appropriate than hierarchical storage. That doesn’t mean however that folders are broken, old-fashioned and abominable. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: folders and tags are two different tools, each one satisfying a different need; just like hammers and screwdrivers. Keeping only one of them (the trendy one) will simply limit our possibilities.

< /rant >

Now, excuse me, but I’ll have to run. I think Tapeworm is coming to get me. :stuck_out_tongue: