iPod touch: and so, where's the microSD slot?!?

Cycling the last few days, I’ve been listening to a few backlogged BBC NewsPod episodes.  On the go, you really can’t beat the little Clip+.  I like to run the headset cable down my jacket sleeve, with the device on my wrist like a watch.

When the rain picks up, I simply move it to the jersey sleeve, with the Clip protected under the rain jacket.  It’s the one time when I run with the bud in my right ear only.

The controls are wonderful for this application, a limitation of the Fuze+, as the bigger machine is cumbersome on the fly.

I had forgotten how the Clip+ functions with the podcast “paused”, if the forward button is held, the device zooms through the episodes rapidly, and when returning to your 'cast, it starts at the saved point immediately.  Quite handy.

Every time I boot the wee Clip+, I can’t help but compare the response against the Fuze+.  This little thing is refreshingly fast.

Bob  :stuck_out_tongue: