Sansa Clip+ id3v2.3 artist field only showing 31 characters

@black_rectangle wrote:

Just curious…who is the artist with a name longer than 31 characters?

If it’s X featuring Y, I always put that in the title. And Featuring can be feat. or F. Really. 

Walter Murphy & The Big Apple Band, for instance (#1 hit in 1976). I play trivia so I like to have the exact names of the artists as they appear on Billboard or whatnot.

An answer of “well your artist names should be less than 32 characters!” is unacceptable. If an mp3 player says it supports id3v2, then it should be able to display artist lengths greater than 32 characters…

It’s strange because the titles appear in full, even if greater than 32 characters. Just wondering if this was a known bug.
