Sansa Clip+ MP3-Player >> "Not enough space for music DB. Please free 90MB."

@hadenough wrote:

I have tried all the solutions on this site to fix my clip . I have found the best way to fix it. You will need a good pair of steel toed boots and a hammer .Lay your clip on a hard surface and hit it as hard as you can with the hammer, them stomp on it with your steel toed boots. This works great, now go out and by a IPOD!!!  It is the only thing that worked.

Disregarding the fact that this solution is excessive over-kill (and probably totally unnecessary in the first place given the assistance provided on this forum and from the available SanDisk Customer Service/Tech Support), I fail to see how the toes (steel or otherwise) of your boots are going to affect the impact of the heels (or soles) on the target device. :confounded: :neutral_face: :stuck_out_tongue: