Sansa Clip + 4GB Dead

Thanks so much SpaceJockey!

I know they are only $50 but my temp job just ended and I really thought the thing was dead.

I googled and this was the first page I came to and your press and hold home first… etc got me a  nice flower and “refreshing media” 

(i get a lot of “refreshing media.” must remove 4GB memory chip and put in safe place)

previously, I have killed two Creative Zen Micros (which were easier to make playlists on)

now to fix the legs on my  1993 Laser keyboard… (years ago the ex slammed his fist down on it and broke a leg. found a matching keyboard at a yard sale. had a broken leg too…) Hopefully my 2003 cell phone will hold up… the  buttons are  getting iffy and i’ve  killed two chargers.

anyway, hope you wander thru here from time to time so you can know your advice is still helping people. I signed up just to say thanks.