SanDisk Sansa Clip+4GB MP3 Player with FM Radio

Now, don’t laugh at this suggestion, but: when you receive the player, there is a protective clear plastic sticker that has been placed over the player’s screen, which has a simulated screen showing the items that you describe seeing on your screen–did you peel that sticker off? (There typically is a small tab on the right side of the sticker to help with that.) :slight_smile: Once you do that, the player hopefully will start functioning as you expect. As to the CD, you don’t need it at all! The CD only is needed for using the separate and optional Rhapsody music subscription service (for which you pay each month, after a free trial, typically). If you don’t want that service, skip the CD. Finally, you should check and see if your player has the latest firmware–look under the player’s System settings and compare that version number to thelatest firmware listed in the Firmnware Upgrade sticky thread at the top of this forum. If the thread here has a more recent firrmware version, recommended that you upgrade to it–it is very easy to do. Hope this helps!

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