S.O.S.! Sansa Clip folder system & ID3 tags

The clip on the Clip+ is a sturdier construction and sits nicely on the back of the Clip±-I’m sure you’ll be fine with it.  The side controls have been moved/remodeled some–a bit easier to push now/use (although the originals were fine for me and most).  

Arggh, the pitch issue–you can read many threads/posts on it here and in the Clip+ forum.  Short story–the pitch is a trifle off.  Most people don’t notice it at all–it’s 2-4 seconds slower than a computer over a 3 minute song, making the pitch a trifle lower.   But musicians especially may notice it, including when coordinating with instruments.  SanDisk was looking into the issue and stated today in threads that it will not be fixing the issue on the Clp/Clip+.  (Sigh.)  You can read further in the many threads and posts.