Rockbox 3.7 -- finally stable for the clip+

Two suggestions, Mags: 

@mags1230 wrote:

@marvin_martian wrote:


Just looking at the Contents can help you narrow down what you actually need to read, to answer your questions.

After taking  a closer look at the Contents, I can see that the License and games sections take up alot of pages.  Those I won’t need to read.  Right now, I’m just interested in getting the increased battery life and in finding a better font/theme.

1)  You really don’t need to read much more than “Quick Start” and “Browsing and Playing.” 

2)  Don’t try to change fonts or create your own theme until you are thoroughly familiar with the program.  My first time out, I tried to change to a larger and different font, and quickly went from bad to worse, and never could figure out how to “reset.”  Good advice for newbies – and I am DEFINITELY a newbie at rockbox – is browse throught the themes (including the user themes online), pick the one that works best for right now, and tweak it later to make it perfect. 

Only 249 to go! 

Or is it 349? 

(and Marv, LOVE the rtfm smileys!)