Putting MP3 onto micro card - can I do this?

kryssy wrote (IN PART):

… a Sansa Clip+ to keep my downloaded audio books and podcasts on so that I don’t spend all my time at the computer with headphones on.  It’s wonderful!!!  Now I would like to buy a 16gb micro memory card to put all my music on whilst keeping the internal memory for my books only.

 I have an old Lexar card reader for my camera cards but the slots are too big for the micro so I’m assuming I need another card reader.

Besides what  kmk_01kmk wrote, may I comment that:

A 16GB card holds a LOT of music!  Maybe that refresh thing will be a bit of a problem?  What about 1 or 2 8GB cards?  I think I read something to that effect; let’s eee what other people say.

I got an 8GB microSDHC card with an adapter.

You can just plug that into a reader and transfer files directly froma computer.

Then pop the little card into your Clip+, and you’re all set.
