Pitch bug on Clip+?

@donp wrote:

@fuze_owner_gb wrote:

Seems odd that that the same 3 or 4 people keep harping about the pitch issue. 





Seems the same 1 or 2 people keep acting as apologist, that it isn’t reasonable to expect consumer grade gear to get the speed/pitch right even though the vast majority of inexpensive players do.




The solution is simple.  If the product (any product) doesn’t suit your needs, return it.  If enough people do that due to a design flaw (I’m not saying there is one with the clip+) the manufacturer will get the message loud and clear.




The mfr may have numbers on how many are returned, but for players bought and returned to retail or mail order outfits there’s usually a broken chain when it comes to the reason why.




Posting in a user forum isn’t going to make your perceived issue go away; or make the manufacturer react to your complaints.  


Hmmm… didn’t one of the Sansa employees post that they’d figured out the problem and had a fix? (maybe that was just for Fuze.)   Didn’t that all stem from discussion of the problem in the user forum?




I got some great swamp-land for sale if you think for a second that an issue was addressed solely based on disscussion in a user forum…:smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy: :smileyvery-happy:

Man, this place has turned negative.  It used to be a fun place, but no more.  Just a bunch of crybabies whining about anything and everything.  At least I can get pleasure from my Sansa players…

Message Edited by fuze_owner-GB on 09-03-2009 02:42 PM